Latest Episodes
Episode 9
January 23, 2023
S3E9 Life March thoughts, and how can Christians be pro-life if God murders babies?
Life March thoughts, and how can Christians be pro-life if God murders babies? I'm Pr. Bryan Wolfmueller, and I'm taking a look at your...
Episode 8
January 20, 2023
S3E8 How does suffering strengthen hope, and a question about evangelical multi-site churches
How sufferings strengthens hope, and a question about evangelical multi-site churches. I'm Pr. Bryan Wolfmueller, and I'm taking a look at your questions, and...
Episode 7
January 19, 2023
S3E7 Hope is a Captain (Luther on Hope) and Do we have flesh i the resurrection?
Hope is a Captain (Luther on Hope) and Do we have flesh i the resurrection? I'm Pr. Bryan Wolfmueller, and I'm taking a look...
Episode 6
January 16, 2023
S3E6 The wedding at Cana, the minor points
I'm Pr. Bryan Wolfmueller, and I'm taking a look at your questions, and trying to dive a bit deeper into the scriptures. to...
Episode 5
January 13, 2023
S3E5 Can Christians pray the imprecatory Psalms?
Can Christians pray the imprecatory Psalms? What does it mean to leave room for wrath? I'm Pr. Bryan Wolfmueller, and I'm taking a look...
Episode 4
January 12, 2023
S3E4 Scientific truth is brute fact, and how do we know the New Testament is inspired
Notes from hearing Dr Veith yesterday about the limits of scientific knowledge, and a question about knowing if the New Testament is inspired. I'm...